March 2023

Running the Bases with Small Businesses – Wilde One Films

Running the Bases with Wilde One Films

Running the Bases today with David Wilde, Founder, CEO and Creator of Wilde One Films. David Wilde is a digital media producer who has created five feature films, a crime series, and dozens of short films. He began acting in his thirties to meet girls and eventually ended up in London to attend an acting school. He has since learned how to make a movie, from coming up with an idea to doing the marketing work to getting the finance. Now, he is working on a novel based on a movie he produced for the TV series Crime Lord.

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Running the Bases with Small Businesses – HomeRoots

Running the Bases with HomeRoots

Running the Bases today with Gil Bar-Lev from HomeRoots. Gil Bar-Lev is a serial entrepreneur specializing in e-commerce, technology, and software engineering. He had the opportunity to work for Toys R Us and Amazon, and was awarded the most innovative web store award from Amazon in 2013. Growing up in a family of CPAs, he was always interested in coding and software development, which led him to start the Home Roots platform, a digital B2B wholesale solution. Gil advises entrepreneurs in the DTC and B2B space to have a killer product and invest in marketing to stand out in the competitive market.

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