Running the Bases with Wilde One Films

Running the Bases with Small Businesses – Wilde One Films

Running the Bases today with David Wilde, Founder, CEO and Creator of Wilde One Films. David Wilde is a digital media producer who has created five feature films, a crime series, and dozens of short films. He began acting in his thirties to meet girls and eventually ended up in London to attend an acting school. He has since learned how to make a movie, from coming up with an idea to doing the marketing work to getting the finance. Now, he is working on a novel based on a movie he produced for the  TV series Crime Lord. 

Wilde One Films –  Running the Bases with Small Businesses

Very excited about today’s Guest.  A TRUE CREATIVE, Our guest today takes our Small Business Genre in a new Space for our Podcast!  While he does run a Traditional Digital Media Agency, His PASSION lies with his company Wilde One Films.  He has made five feature films, a crime series, and dozens of short films, and he has a novel coming out at the end of the year.  His works have been shown on Amazon Prime & Apple TV to name a few.  His IMDB Page lists him with 26 Producing Credits, 27 Editing Credits, 25 Writing Credits, 19 Acting Credits and 17 Cinematography Credits. 

David’s Podcast – Wilde World

Watch – Crime Lord

Mad World Series

Randy’s Favorite Baseball Movies:

Bull Durham

The Natural

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