Running the Bases with Kyle Roof


Running the Bases today with Kyle Roof the Founder at High Voltage SEOPage Optimizer Pro and Internet Marketing Gold – the man is busy!  Kyle and his partner operate their business across four countries with 30 team members – and still growing.

Kyle is responsible for the development and implementation of all SEO techniques used by the SEO agency High Voltage SEO and the SEO tool PageOptimizer Pro. Kyle is also the co-founder of Internet Marketing Gold, a global community of 3000+ SEO professionals who test and prove cutting-edge SEO techniques. Kyle is also the co-host of SEO Fight Club a weekly YouTube show that covers a multitude of SEO topics. Kyle’s SEO techniques and discoveries are followed by many SEO professionals and business leaders, he has been featured in many respected publications and is a regular speaker on SEO and SEO testing at conferences throughout the world. 

Kyle Roof Running the Bases with Small Businesses

Selecting the right team member, investing in development, and building the team is crucial to delivering the customer experience necessary for success and achieving your end goal.  As Kyle states – know where you want to end up – and then work backward from there.

We have a great time discussing SEO and how Kyle started, how give Google what it needs for ranking and some fun talk about the A’s and baseball!

Grab a great discount on Page Optimizer Pro HERE – use Coupon Code:  RUNNINGTHEBASES – to get 15% OFF

The Algebra of Happiness by Scott Galloway:  An unconventional book of wisdom and life advice from renowned business school professor and New York Times bestselling author of The Four Scott Galloway.

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